If there's one thing I have learned from my Theatre 113 class it's that sometimes you just need to suck it up and do it! Sometimes you just have to scream your guts out in public and shut the critic up. I hate those excercises. But being in an intro to acting class I find myself needing to scream, cry, stomp, rage, panic, sob, laugh uncontrollably, and even potentially die on stage. But the most curious thing has been to see what happens after you do those things. Much to my surprise, I actually feel better. In fact, it pretty much makes me want to dance straight up. Just ask my suitemates. It's embarrassing, but we actually have a dance to "Toot it and Boot it." The ciritc inside the mind is finally shut up. This same critic tells me I shouldn't do those things. That it's not natural or sensible.
I think the same thing happens sometimes in the department of tithing. It's really hard to start, especially if you're in debt. And there is that critic in your mind that goes, "I can't do this. I'm already in debt. How will I feed myself?" or "I work so hard for my money and the government already takes half of it. Why can't I just have a little for myself?" It's almost painful to think of dropping half your check in the offering plate.
But tithing is an act of obedience. It wasn't just designed forthe people in Leviticus. And I here so many times people say, "Well I tithe with my time." Sorry, that doesn't cut it for me. It's laid out strict and clear in Leviticus. Tithing is ten percent of all your wages. When you start earning hours instead of dollars than we shall talk about tithing with your time.
But here's the thing. What was I so afraid of before? Did I really not trust in God enough to provide? Was I really selfish enough to try to keep what was never mine, mine? It feels good to tithe. It doesn't feel natural being a by nature selfish human. But the same is true of giving.
We live in a world that is take, take, take. Don't believe me, take a trip to any store. We've learned it from the day of womb emergence. You will hear two year olds now a days with a vocabulary of "No. Mommy. Daddy." and "Gimme" Being generous is what sets us apart as Christians. Having motives of love and not expecting anything in return is what distinguishes us.
So here's the challenge I place on myself as well. Whomever you love, love them 100%. Whatever you do, do it 100%. Whatever you give, give it 100%. Give it with a heart of gratitude. Give it with Joy. Give it with Trust. Our God deserves nothing less.
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