Well, as I was getting it on with God one of the associate pastors pulled up in his convertible and decided to back in. He did all kinds of pivoting maneuvers and finally ended up smack dab in the middle of 2 spaces. As he got out he gave a slight nod of satisfaction in knowing that his precious car would remain unscratched.
I couldn't believe my eyes! An associate pastor of a huge church already limited on space double parking?! Surely my eyes were deceiving me! But then my sense came to as I was watching the poor pregnant woman waddle in front of me who had been jipped out of her parking space. I realized I was appalled at this only because he was a pastor. If any other christian had done it, I would not have thought twice. I should have been appalled no matter what. He's not called to a higher moral standard because he's a pastor, but because he's a christian. The same standards that apply to him apply to me.
Indeed this simple demonstration only served to prove one point. The human race without God is a doomed people. We are still in our worldly natural selfs, sinful humans. And I should be just as appalled when I'm selfish, as I was with senor doubleparker.
Because let's be honest. I have never double parked in my life, but I have frequently manipulated situations to get what I want. I have purposefully and knowingly put my needs and desires ahead of others. I have followed the world's motto of "Do whatever it takes to get what you want. No matter the cost. No matter who it hurts." Selfishness is the root of greed and greed is what drives the world and its business. 2 Timothy 3:2-5, "People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them."
This, my friends is why christians are called to live a life of love. 1 Corinthians 16:14, gives the simple, yet final command of "Do everything in love." No if's, and's or but's. Because love in its truest form cannot be selfish. If Christ had had a hint of selfishness in Him, He would never have went to the cross.
And here's another spiel. Lately, it seems there has been a movement of almost selfish christianity. There is this whole movement of "you have to love yourself first before you can love someone else." I say bullcrap! I know I may be stepping on a few toes here too because I know really strong christians that believe this, but I respectfully disagree. Because love puts other's first by definition. I say By loving others as God has loved you and by realizing how much God loves you, you are then able to love yourself. Because you recognize how fearfully and wonderfully you are made.(Psalm 139:14). Love must be put into practice to be grasped, and if you put loving yourself into practice first, well then I'm sorry, but aren't you really only practicing selfishness?

But anyway, back to the selfish christianity. I know I have fallen victim to it on occasion. We study and highlight verses in the Bible only when they are applicable to us- only when they meet our needs. Nevermind the fact that it may be hard core truth, if it doesn't fit with what I'm going through, I'm not going to take the time to read it. How many of us have said this? How many of us have put God on the side line until it is convenient to play Him? We're not football coaches, we're Christians. And as such, we should recognize that we don't call the shots. You're not the coach. You're not even the quarterback. God is God and He will not stand to be shoved on a shelf until You're ready to use Him only to your advantage. You only have one parking space! The other goes to God and what He commands and directs for your life. Stop crowding into His space!
And here's another humbling truth- this relationship was never about you. The whole purpose of this life is to bring your Creator glory! He really truly is the greatest. Isaiah 42:8, "I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols."
They say pastors are there to offer spiritual insight. The insight? I've been a double parker way too long.
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