The other day I came across this video on facebook, and it truly inspired me. I have always known and believed that abortion was wrong. I've made a decision that I will never vote for a Presidential candidate if he is not pro-life. I don't know, maybe it's just being adopted. Maybe it's the chance that I could have possibly been aborted. Anyway, I cam across this video of this girl speaking out against abortion and it truly riled me up, but in a good way.
Here's why I loved it. 1) Her story. She survived the abortion and was delivered alive. That right there is a testament that the "fetus" as the world has so nonchalantly named it, is living. 2) The eyes through which she saw herself. She was talking about how when she was younger her birth mother and foster parents really could care less about her. In fact, they wanted to leave her behind in a dumpster somewhere. That's not the most self-esteem boosting knowledge. But here's what got me. She said, "I don't care. I was put here for a reason. I'm God's girl! And you don't mess with God's girl!" Mmhmm, you know it! 3) At the end she just called it out like it is. She called out the men for not stepping up to the plate. She called out the congressmen for putting politics over values. She called out the women. This girl was laying it on like nobody's business. 4) As she was speaking it was like I could hear the foundations of the world's lie shattering. It was trembling and faltering in the presence of God. It reminded me of the power behind Joel 2:11, "The LORD thunders at the head of his army; his forces are beyond number, and mighty are those who obey his command..."
Well, I loved it! I have a soft spot for the rebel type- not sure why. And if you're going to be a rebel, be a rebel for Christ. This girl was not afraid of what they would do to her. She was not afraid of what they would say about her. She did not even take into consideration that she was preaching Christ in a public government building. She spoke truth with power and conviction. And she would NEVER back down! It was truly inspiring. In fact, I think I might just have a new hero.
Some day, I hope to be like this. Someday, I pray that God molds me into the woman where I don't sugar coat things. I don't play nicey nicey, I tell it like it is when it comes to God. I proclaim His truth with no regrets! And if I were to be boo'ed off the stage? Well, that would just put a smile on my face.I'd love to be a rebel with a cause. I'd love to be hated by the world, because that means that I wouldn't belong to it.(John 15:18)
I'm God's girl. And you don't mess with God's girl!
Acts 4:31, "After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly."
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