Well, folks, its 5 am. And according to my internal biological clock, its blog writing time. I've been neglecting my duties lately so apparently if you don't make time for blog writing, blog writing will not be ignored long- even if it means waking you up in the wee hours of the morning to do so. And another thing, why is it that in Southern California, which never sleeps, there is not 1 single coffee shop open before 6? By six o'clock I'm so wide awake I am perfectly capable of making it by myself. Its in the earlier hours when I'm non-coherent that I need it the most.

It reminds me of something the pastor said last Sunday. Fear, worry, and doubt are crippling to faith. Of course the example was doubting Thomas. We all look at his statement "Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe." (John 20:25) We scoff in astonishment. Whats with this guy? I mean, I don't know about you, but if 10 other guys are like "Yeah, dude, he's back. We've all seen him," and even Jesus Himself had told the disciples that on the third day the temple would be rebuilt and He would be raised from the dead, (Matthew 16:21) I find myself thinking, "Get with the program Thomas!"
But yet, how many times have I read Romans 8:38-39 or Philippians 4:19, or Jeremiah 29:11 and doubted? This is where Thomas needs to come along and slap me upside the head. Has God not proven His love before? Has He not brought good before? Has He not met all of my needs in His divine time before? So that leaves me to analyze. There are two places we can doubt. One is in the things God has already done. The second is in the things God has yet to do. Maybe thats why we have such a big issue with Thomas. Because he doubted in the things God had already done. He had already been alive a week before he re-appeared to the disciples in the upper room when Thomas was there. But, at least I, tend to doubt the things God is going to do. And that's where faith comes in. Because faith is trust. Its looking at how God has already provided and saying, "You know. He's been there in the past, He will be there in the future. He doesn't promise it will always be easy, but He will be there. He promises it."
I mean, really, do we limit God to only past experiences? God doesn't just work in the past, He works in the present and the future too. But here's the thing. The pastor was right on. Because if you worry or are fearful about something, you're not trusting God to handle it. You're forgetting that He is bigger than your problem. If you doubt what He says or his authenticity, then you might want to re-examine those nail holes my friend because it sounds like you need to spend some close, intimate time with the J-man. Because in places where fear and doubt exist, there's no room for trust. And if there's no room for trust, there's no room for faith to grow.
Why do we let bad things deter us from God? Why is it that the one we so often get mad at and turn away from is the one who can help us the most? Here's the word of wisdom kids. We live in a fallen world. And Christianity is not a cure all. Bad things are gonna happen with or without a close personal relationship with God. But trust me, they're a whole lot easier with Him. Trust Him, let Him do His work, and watch the good He brings from it.
Looks like its time to get back on the horse...
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