As I was tossing and turning I started thinking about Matthew 5:30, "And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell." I know, such a morbid thought to just randomly come to mind. I mean, entirely severing a hand seems a bit extreme. And I know Jesus wasn't speaking literally when He said this, but just think about the implications. First, it's painful. Severing anything is painful. Second, It's willingness to knowingly put yourself through that pain because you are so committed to the bigger picture. Third, it's for your benefit ultimately, in order to save yourself. This leaves one to ask the question, what do I need to severe?
First thing that came to mind? Coffee. I know, right? But seriously. I'm so co-dependent on it. It got so bad last semester that when I when I gave it up for finals week I had terrible migraines and was sick to my stomach for a few days. And it got me thinking. If it can cause this much harm not having it in my system what on earth was it doing to my system? Caffeine is a drug kids. Don't do drugs- stay out of college. No, but honestly, caffeine is only a substitute for sleep, and a poor one at that. Let's bring this back spiritually then. How many things are we using as substitutes for a relationship and fufillment with Christ? And how many of us know it's just not satisfying?
Which leads me into the second thing I need to severe, alcohol. And this one is tricky because unlike caffeine, I've never gone to an extreme point. I rarely have more than one, so what's the problem then if I'm never drunk? This one is more a matter of protecting myself. Every time I drink it is ultimately for acceptance. Acceptance from peers, who have never been proven to be a credible source when compared with the Living God. And its proven to be somewhat of a spiritual hinderance. I cannot focus on God when I am focusing on being accepted by the world. No one can serve two masters (Matthew 6:24) There's an old expression, "If you're worried about being burned, don't go near the fire." If your worried about being tempted, don't go near it. Don't even start down that path. Flee from it. Severe it from your life. Hmm, all of a sudden that doesn't sound so extreme does it?
Last thing, and probably the hardest, idolatry. Particularily in the area of my love life. You know when you meet that guy, (or girl if you're a guy) and the whole world stops? And all you want to do is get to know that person on a much deeper level? And you're so excited that he talks to you and then you guys start becoming friends? And the next thing you know, you're wanting to spend more and more time with him? And the more you get to know him the more you think about him? Daydream about him? Take the time to put in some effort on your appearance when you know your going to see him? Well congratulations. You may have found your soul mate, but it's amazing how many times soul mate can coincide with idol. Even relationships that start off as Christ centured can oh so quickly turn. Or, if you're like me and still in the "single, but ready to mingle" department, it's amazing how many times I find myself upset and questioning, "Will it ever happen?" This is where I often have to take a step back and re-evaluate, who is my first love? Who really captivates me heart? Who come first? Who can't I live without for the rest of my life? If you're answer isn't God, I've got some advice. 1 Corinthians 10:14, "Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry."
I can't speak for you, but these are areas in my life that need to be severed. Just quit cold turkey. Because I've done this before. I've realized I've had these bad habits and have tried to ween myself off of them little by little. But the problem is, it doesn't work. There is no half surrender. There is total surrender or none at all. And it's never easy. It's painful. So, to quote one of my favorite Disney villians, "Be prepared." You know it's gonna hurt. And that's why its so hard to do it, but ultimately, its to your benefit to do so. If anything takes the place of God in your life, cut it off! Don't give it a chance! Life will ALWAYS be so much better with Him in the center. I promise.
"Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” 2 Timothy 2:22
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