The other day I beheld the strangest thing. There I was watch a movie (a chick flick of the upmost romanticness of course) and my dog, Charlie came, jumped on the sofa, and does what he does best- snuggled up to me. But after a short while he began to sink in the hole in between cushion on the couch so much so that he couldn’t really move when my dad brought out the treats. He struggled and struggled and ended up getting a little assistance to get out of the hole he was in. The whole situation was actually quite humorous.
But then Charlie did it again. After he got his treat he retreated back to the couch to the same spot. And of course I had to help him out again the next time he wanted to move. He’s now done this several times. Anyway, I sat there thinking “dumb dog. Why do you go right back to where you were when you know you’re going to get stuck?” But then the thought hit me. We do the exact same thing.
How many times has God pulled me out of a situation only to find myself right back in it? How many times have I repented and turned myself around only to need to do it again a week later? We do this a lot with God I think. How many times has He said “Rachel. Don’t go down that road. You know what will happen. You know you will sink. Its sin. You have no option but to sink.” And how many times have I responded with “But God, I still want to do it anyway!”?
They say dogs are man’s best friends, but I never thought they would serve as a blatant spiritual analogy.
“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” (Psalm 40:2)
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