Indeed, it is like finding a rare jewel when we actually find someone willing openly to admit that they are Christians. Willing to openly discuss Bible study with others. Willing to pray in public. Willing to share their faith. Willing to live out the morals behind it. A spark goes off when such a person is found. We focus in, listening to their conversations. Wishing to be as strong as they are in their faith. They appear almost idolized solely on the basis that they are doing what they were supposed to be doing all along. Preaching Christ's redemption and glory.

Why is this so surprising? Because more and more we see no difference. We don't stand out. Our language, our morals fit right in with the rest of the world. We are lost in the crowd of the thousands rather than being the woman that reached out to the hope that was Jesus and was healed. What happened? We had that at one point didn't we? We experienced the joy and the power of salvation? We had found our way and we were on it.
Father forgive us. We have faltered. We are humans. Insignificant on our own. Desperately in need of grace, which You so freely give. Faltering. Not realizing there is no standard of perfection to be met before we can witness.
Deceit, judgement, abandonment, greed, power hunger, cruelty, eating disorders, suicide, war, homosexuality, abuse, murder, sexual immorality, anger, disease, death, violence, rape, selfishness, injustice. No compassion. No forgiveness. No kindness. No grace. No trust No peace. These are the things which plague the world looking for the cure. Looking for someone to simply outwardly say, "I know the truth! I know Peace! I know kindness! I know grace! I know forgiveness! I know comfort in death! I know the solution to pain! I have it! I'LL NEVER LOOSE IT! Let me show you."

Christians, where are we? Why are WE the dying breed? Why amongst all the cries of desperation and anguish, do we stand silent?
"Lord hear the cries of desperation. The lonely sighs longing for salvation..."
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