The summer always brings a chance of reflection. It's my time to sit back, unwind, get what needs to be done done, and get ready for the next school year. But probably my favorite part is at the end where I take a step back and examine the goals I've set for myself and establish new ones. Goals for the summer: Weight loss? Check. Eating healthy? Check. Seeing old friends? Check. Money? Check. Relaxation? Double Check. Getting over someone? Mmm half checked. Growing in my relationship with God? Can you ever fully check that off?. All of this equates to a pretty successful summer in my book. So, as I was sitting contemplating my new goals I thought, "What's left?"
Well I have a new weight loss goal thanks to John 3:30 "He must increase, but I must decrease." And we're not taking about body fat here people. What weight do I need to lose? My ego, my selfishness, my pride, my stubborness, my timidity, my fear of rejection, my careing too much about what others think- the list could go on for pages. Now, I don't know about you, but that sounds a whole lot harder than dropping a few pounds. But I have to do it. It doesn't say I would like to decrease, but I must. It's necessary. Why? Because I'm crippling myself.
For most people, when you loose weight it makes you a healthier, happier person. I am better able to perform the tasks I need to. The same is true spiritually. If I'm not in top physical condition spiritually, how on earth can God use me to my full purpose? Now, this doesn't mean that even now when I'm spiritually obese I don't have a purpose. He's still making good use out of me. But how much more could be done if the ratio became 10% Rachel 90% God instead of 80% Rachel 20% God?

So friends, that is my new goal. I can't sit around eating chocolate anymore. I can't go through this whole Christianity thing only picking out the sweet stuff. There is work to be done. There are lost friends that need to know. I've got to start training. And here's another thing that 75 posts worth of blogs has taught me. God is faithful. He will help me. He will do things that you can never imagine were possible. Sometimes, it takes a lot of patience, but the number on that scale of "me, myself, and I" will drop.
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