It has come to my attention lately that people liberally throw around the word "Faith" without really considering its true significance. We say things like "Have a little faith," "My faith was the only thing that got me through it," "I am of the Catholic faith," or even "I have lost all faith in humanity." Now, I'm not saying these expressions are bad, it's just that most of time people don't get much deeper than that.
This morning for my quiet time I read Hebrews 11. And I began to realize the incredible power of faith. It's the reason Noah built the ark (Vs 7), why Moses' parents hid him (Vs 23), why Rahab hid the spies (vs 31) why Gideon conquered(vs 32), why Daniel faced the lions den, and so many more. It wasn't just their excuse they used for why they did these things, but their sole motivation.
I am left to ponder, what would have happened if these people had lost their faith? Or rather if they had placed it in something besides the One True God? What if Noah had reasoned he was going insane and committed himself to the psych ward instead of building the ark? What if Moses' parents had decided hiding their son was too risky and they weren't that fond of baby basket boats? Or if Rahab became too worried she would get caught? What if Daniel had started praying in secret so as to avoid exposure and thus the lions den? What if any one of these people had decided to "play it safe"? Would we say they still had faith?
Because here's the thing. It was because of their faith that they did these things. Through faith alone Abraham put his son Isaac on the alter (vs 17) Through faith alone Moses led the people out of Egypt. He even outright recognized that he couldn't do it on his own! "But Moses said to God, 'Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?'"(Exodus 3:11)

Matthew 17:20 gives light to the extreme power of faith. "He [Jesus] replied, 'Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'" That's a whole lot of powerful punch packed into one teeny tiny thing.
So once again I am left to ponder. What would happen if I just stepped out? Surely none of these people could foresee the drastic consequences of their actions. I'm pretty sure Daniel was not 100% positive those lions wouldn't be hungry. And surely no mother would ever consider that her baby she refused to let be killed would save the nation. How would the story of my legacy change if the beginning was "By faith, Rachel..."?
"I want to leave a legacy. How will they remember me? Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough to make a mark on things? I want to leave an offering- a child of mercy and grace who blessed Your name unapologetically. And leave that kind of legacy..."
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