So, I'm only just beginning to get into it, but I think my Biology 211 class and I are going to get along just fine. It's so interesting. Here's something I learned within the first few pages of the book. Our genome (the sum total of all our DNA molecules) is so complex that if you were to write it out using letters, you would write more than 3 billion letters. Using approximately 12 pt font, your genome would fill about one thousand, 1300 page books. That's crazy!
All of this speaks intricately of a Creator. Whether or not you believe in evolution is not my issue. Personally, I don't. But I know some Christians who believe that God used evolution to create. I think it could be possible, because in my nineteen years of life if I have learned one thing it's that God has no limits. However, like I said, personally I don't think He did. I think there are too many holes. But that's not my point.
The biggest problem I have with evolution is this: for most people, evolution removes the Creator. They deny the possible existence of one. And who are we without our Maker? When you start saying "Chance did" instead of "God did" that's where I draw the line.
And here's another problem that's already made me a bit skeptical. In 1838 when Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann started studying the cell, they wrongly believed that cells emerged out of non living material by spontaneous generation. For example mice from dirty clothes, maggots from dead meat, or insects from pond water.
The debate continued until 1859 when Louis Pasteur disproved it. Mr. Pasteur conducted an experinecmt of broth. He proved that broth directly exposed to air, dirt, and dust developed a culture of microorganisms, but the container of broth not directly exposed to air remained sterile. Now, his experiment did not prove that the microorganisms in the air caused the broth to become infected, but it did make one important conclusion.

This conclusion has has been proven numerous times in science since. Life cannot come from non- life. Life MUST come from life. However, two pages later I'm reading that biologists "postulate" that "cells first arose through the random association of chemicals in that environment." Well.... chemicals aren't living.
But hey, what do I know? I'm just an ignorant student...
My theory? Life comes from life. God is life.
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