Men, on behalf of some of your sisters in Christ, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that women sometimes purposefully dress the way we do to make you stumble because we like the power it gives us.
I'm sorry that we manipulate your weakness for our selfish gain.
I'm sorry we have "hate on men" parties (and yes we really do) and songs like "If I were a boy," and yet get mad when songs that certain male singers sing, disrespect us.
I'm sorry that we think just because you're not run by your feelings, you don't have them.
I'm sorry we say things like "Look at my eyes, not my chest" and yet we lust after you.
I'm sorry that we demand you see our inner beauty first, but like hypocrites we neglect yours and discuss and "rate" you on your outward appearance.
Which leads me to what this blog is really about-beauty. Proverbs 31:30, "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." Why does the world have so much emphasize on beauty? Let me weigh in on this.
There are three things you can focus on in this verse. Charm, beauty, and fearing the Lord. The world is not as stupid sometimes as it leads you to believe. I know, it's shocking to me too. They know that charm is deceptive. They know a playa when they see one. So, charm is out as a main focal point.
That leaves beauty and fearing the Lord. Well, it's obvious that they don't fear the Lord. Half of them don't even believe there is a God. So, all that's left is beauty. And thus, it becomes the main focal point. How sad, when you take away the fear of the Lord, beauty is all that you're left with. And yet it's what we strive for! It's what we tear our self-esteem up over. And it doesn't even last.
So let's get started on true beauty. Because true beauty isn't outward. True beauty, can only be judged by the one who sees your heart- God. True beauty is genuine. True beauty is selfless in contrast to outward beauty, which is all about the way I look, and how beautiful or sexy I feel. True beauty cannot be used for manipulation.
Our girl's Tuesday night Bible study leader, Miss Sarah Beeber, pointed out an interesting detail on this. She talked about Esther. Esther was labeled the "fairest in the land", the most beautiful. That's why the king picked her. But yet, to save her people she didn't use it. She approached him with respect and honor. She gave a banquest and used her words to win over the king, not her looks. She could have manipulated the king, using her rackish charm to save her people, but instead she used wisdom, patience and understanding through her words.
Most of the time, when I think of beauty, I automatically think of someone’s outer beauty. How they dress, what their hair looks like, what type of make-up they wear, their shoes, etc. I have to admit that inner beauty is thought about and talked about a lot less....at least for me.
I have to make a conscious effort to focus on my inner beauty. It’s a lot easier for me to look in the mirror and know that I need to wash my hair than it is to look inside myself and see where I need to grow emotionally or spiritually. But, when I take the time to do so and thus connect with God, it shows! I am more fun to be around and have more joy that naturally just shines through my personality. I also believe that your inner beauty can shine through the abilities, gifts and talents God has given you.
It is not wrong to be outwardly beautiful. In fact it only reflects the creativity and splendor of your maker. But it's not the most important, and if it's as deep as you get, you're short changing yourself. So it's something I'm working on. Because lately, I've been so focused on making my outward appearance better, that it has become almost an obsession. I'm obsess with make-up, clothes,hair, and shoes. And it doesn't just stop with me. It reflects the way you view others. For instance, I have developed a fetish for guy's jeans. Literally, the straight, bootcut jeans kind of turn me on. And if you wear skinny jeans, pfft, forget it! But aside from the funny stuff, I envy girls a lot more, and there's a good percentage that's due to the way they look. How many possible friendships of truly genuinely beautiful girls have I eliminated because I envy them?
The world's outer beauty costs me time to get ready in the morning and to go shopping. It costs me money for make-up, clothes, etc. It fades with time. It's common - fairly easy to obtain, there is always someone more attractive than me. The focus is on myself - selfish. Others may envy me and feel inferior. Vanity is a sin (Jeremiah 4:30, " And you, O desolate one, what do you mean that you dress in scarlet, that you adorn yourself with ornaments of gold, that you enlarge your eyes with paint? In vain you beautify yourself. Your lovers despise you; they seek your life.) It's easy to trust in my beauty instead of God. It draws the attention of men and feeds into my other struggles. It also never satisfies (broken cup) "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again" (John 4:13-14)
Inner beauty costs me time to spend with God. Costs nothing financially but will possibly cost me the approval of the world. It is unfading. It is rare. It's focus is on God. Others are drawn to me. It completely satisfies- a spring of water welling up to eternal life.

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