Sometimes we find ourselves spiritually in the same predicament. We fill our lives (our refrigerators) with so much junk. But its never stuff we really need. People turn to all kinds of stuff to fill that God shaped hole, but it never works. They are never fully satisfied. Jesus is the Bread of Life and the Living Water. Those who drink and eat of His table will never be hungry again.
We will never ever be frustrated when we hunger and thirst for Jesus. If we hunger for Him more, He will fill us more. He will reveal Himself to us more. But you also will never get to a point in God when you will be so full that you will not need Him anymore.
While God is always satisfying us, He is also continually increasing our hunger and thirst for more of Him. It is an unquenchable desire. David understood this. Psalm 143:6 "My soul thirsts for you like a parched land.” That's some pretty heavy desiring.
And sometimes we don't long for God. Sometimes our desires are off course completely. I struggle with this a lot. But I began to think. I am just now learning what it means to earnestly and fervently seek God. And I find the more I do, I can't get enough. It's like a ravaging hunger. What David explains begins to seem comprehensible. And I am in total and complete love. The more I look for God working in my life, the more I see.

And it's not wrong to have other desires for our future. But you have to take it all in moderation. Too many crumpets are a bad thing. And we must trust that if its best for us, God will, in His perfect timing, give us the desires of our hearts. But its hard to wait sometimes. But what if instead of complaining during those times we sought God? Would our desires change? I believe so. And they'd be much more nutritious than a crumpet. They say you can't always get what you want. That kind of has a negative vibe to it. But sometimes, I think it's in our best interest that we don't. If you are using the world to satisfy, then you will never develop the hunger and thirst for righteousness.
"I said, 'Lord take away this longing, or give me that for which I long.' He responded, 'I must teach you to long for something better.'"-Elizabeth Elliot, Passion and Purity.
So don't settle for crumpets. Because this world is a pretty sad place. Crave the one who will never fail to fill you up. Yearn for Him. Never settle. Eagerly search for more. Because His table is a seven course meal, and we have only begun to taste. Much better than a lousy crumpet.
"I want to learn to pray the way that David prayed. I want my soul to burn when I hear Your name. I want to feel like new. I want to hunger for you. Bring me back to life like only you can do, cause I don't want to stay the same." --Starfield
So don't settle for crumpets. Because this world is a pretty sad place. Crave the one who will never fail to fill you up. Yearn for Him. Never settle. Eagerly search for more. Because His table is a seven course meal, and we have only begun to taste. Much better than a lousy crumpet.
"I want to learn to pray the way that David prayed. I want my soul to burn when I hear Your name. I want to feel like new. I want to hunger for you. Bring me back to life like only you can do, cause I don't want to stay the same." --Starfield
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