But anyway, I found that I actually really liked it. Except for my supervisor, the people I worked with were amazingly entertaining. I am once again a fan of old people ha ha. There were two tables. At my table, one of the guys, Dwayne, was a CSULB alumni and George started as a marine biology major at USC. What are the odds? They were both scuba certified, and had some pretty good stories. George loved to travel and had even been to Antartica! Right then I knew we would get along perfectly. Have you ever met anyone who's been to Antartica? It was so cool to talk with them and let them share their stories. And George was hilarious! That man had a witt to him. My supervisor was kind of a hoity toity big shot and while we all got 30 minute lunch breaks, he went home for 3 hours, and had blacked salmon for lunch. And George responds, "Blackened Salmon huh?" *insert supervisors arrogant head nodd* "Well how bout that, blackened salmon. So, she burned it then huh?" He was happily married for 45 years, but you would have never guessed. He looked like the grayed, tough, motorcycle riding, hardened guy. And then he pulled out a bag and started to crochet a pink blanket.
And don't even get me started on the ladies at the other table! They were a hoot! Especially Audrey. She would be your old typical Georgian, southern soul food eating, grandma. I literally wanted to adopt her. I had set my purse on the floor next to the chair and she goes "Honey! Put your purse on the chair. Dem Meeses [mice] 'll get in it!" In that perfect accent she had. And then my supervisor said the word 'crap' and she jumped up. "Didn't cho mudder ever wash your mouth out with soap?" She turned to the girl that was only a few years older than me, pulled out a lint roller, and started rolling poor Hannah's clothing, saying, "Child do you know how to do laundry? You have more lint on ya dan a cactus!" And don't even get her started on her dog. She also told us this story how for 35 years she would sent her husband to the store for a gallon on milk every Tuesday and he would come back with half a gallon and a rose, because they were poor they couldn't afford the rose and a whole gallon. And now that he's been deceased for two years she still goes and puts a rose on his grave on the first Tuesday of every month. Ready? Awh!
Anyway, I learned a lot about life, love, and where to hang your hat err... um, your purse. And I realized that I was blessed in an unexpected way. I haven't laughed that hard in quite a while. And I never expected it to be from a group of 55 plus people. I expected to be bored out of my mind, but instead I never found time to read because during the dead periods we would all just talk. The lesson that I learned, don't be a pessimist. You never know what is going to happen. God works in extraordinary ways.
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