And don't think this just happens with school and friends. It can happen with church stuff too. The other day I was stopped and asked if I wanted to join a bible study. I declined because I said I already had one pretty much every day of the week that I go to. And that was when it hit me. Now, I love my bible studies, but sometimes I go to them at the expense of my quiet time. I find myself saying, "Sorry God. I don't have time to write in my prayer journal, I have to go to Bible study." This is where some of us go wrong. We become so wrapped up in the things of God that we forget Him entirely. We become so consumed in knowing about Him that we fail to try to get to know Him more.
And then there are those times when it it school and friends and work etc. And I think we get so wrapped up in our stresses that we forget God is there too. We forget that we don't have to worry about getting everything done. We don't have to worry about our future, because He knows no time limits. God's already got our future worked out. And while there are still those stresses that we must focus on today it is way less overwhelming to realize that we don't have to worry about tomorrow's anxieties until it's tomorrow. Matthew 6:34 says, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." God, You are a genius! I don't know how He could have
put that any more perfectly.

In such a hectic world it can often seem excruciatingly difficult to find peace. Those are the times we should most look for God. Because He is peace. So my fellow college students, when the coffee runs out and the all nighters go wrong find rest in Christ. Don't sacrifice Him for your stuff. Take time to do your quiet time. Don't loose the greatest thing! Don't worry about your life. He's got it all worked out and is dealing with it in ways we can't even imagine. Remember Psalm 23:2-3 "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters; he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake." My mind feels better already.
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