Saturday, July 21, 2012
Confessions of a Gratefully Sore Body...
Monday, July 2, 2012
Confessions of a Purposed Summer Girl...
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Confessions of a Charlie Brown...
This morning I discovered one advantage to waking up with the sun. "A Boy Named Charlie Brown" was on! I've always had a soft spot for that little baldy. I tuned in, expecting to be able to veg out and maybe even nap a little bit. But what I didn't expect was a spiritual lesson in it. I started watching right about the point where Charlie Brown is just really down on life. He says he has too many problems, so maybe he should seek professional help about it. Enter Lucy. Lucy offers to help "cure" Charlie by her own special method. But her method works just the opposite. She goes slide after slide of all Charlie Brown's faults. She then preceeds to tell Charlie Brown that he just needs to kick it and move on. To give him a physical analogy, she offers to hold the football while he runs up and sends it flying. But Charlie Brown is no dummy. He knows Lucy's really going to move the football. And he tells her as such. To defend herself, Lucy says he has two choices: either he tries to kick the ball or they go back in and watch more of Charlie Brown's faults. Either way for poor Charlie it's a loose loose situation. Finally Charlie Brown makes a decision. He gets his courage up and running as fast as he can toward the football yells at the top of his lungs, "This is it! This is really it! I'm going to beat it this time!" And I think for a moment he really does believe that. But just at the last second Lucy moves the football and he falls flat on his back. As if the disapointed hopes weren't enough, Lucy offers to let him watch his failure over and over on instant replay.

Saturday, June 2, 2012
Confessions of a Former Twilight Fan...
I've been doing a lot of "house cleaning" over the past couple of days. My closet has thoroughly been swept through and my floor now looks like a hurricane hit. I'm tempted to pile all my old, too big, clothes up and jump- much like my inner four year old still wants to do when the leaves fall. Anyway, it was on one of these "cleaning" (and I say cleaning in quotes because it's really just moving the mess around) days that I discovered something I think will continue to haunt me from my past until the day I die. You have to understand though, I was the queen of hopeless romantics. Literally, I even thought it would be romantic to die young. Yep, I was that girl. You know, the one walking around with her head in the clouds, who believes love can conquer all. The one dreaming of meeting Prince Charming around every corner, who she planned to graciously fall into after not watching where she was going because her head was stuck in the latest romance novel. The girl who's itunes was composed of 95% love songs, 2% country songs, and 3% country love songs. The one who wanted to be married at 18 more than anything. Thank God I didn't get what I wanted. That's all I have to say now.
But it was just as I was thinking about how much things have changed that my dark part of my past came back to haunt me. Now, I'm going to share it with y'all. I believe there truly is freedom in confession. Okay, take a moment Rachel. Just get it off your chest. Here we go.... I own a t-shirt with Edward Cullen's face on it. Phew, glad thats over. It's true, I was a die hard, #1 fan Twilight junkie. I even had the "Team Edward" Burger King crown. "I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him." ;) You fellow fans know this quote well.

Here's a new definition of marriage for you. The coming together of body, soul, and spirit. And you have to have all three. But as the pastor explained, the word "love" is too general. The greeks had it right. They broke it down into further definitions. Eros love is the passionate, physical attraction, love. It's the coming together of the body. Phileo love is the love of one on the level of morals, interests, habbits, ect. It is essentially the coming together of the souls. And last, but most definitely not least is Agape love. It is the coming together of spirit. Having like faiths, ministering with each other, essentially all spiritual "stuff".
But here's the secret. The number one reason most relationships are doomed to fail from the beginning. They're starting with the wrong love! Most start off with Eros love. It makes no difference among christian or non-christian. I've done it. Admit it folks, it's the basis of our culture. Can you say one night stands? Diets? Hollywood? Strapless bikinis? (That's a whole other rant in and of itself. But I mean seriously, how is that practical for swimming. The minute I dive into the pool that thing is sliding right off) There's a reason Edward Cullen was made out to sound more sexy than God. There's a reason Taylor Lautner was not hired for the second movie until his 8 pack came in. And while looks aren't bad- it's not wrong to find someone attractive- they're given too much importance. Because eros is the most shallow form of love. And if you start there, that's all you'll ever get. So many people make that mistake. They want a connected, deep, meaningful relationship. They long for someone who wants them for more than the fact that they look good on their arm, but that's where they start. It's like want a taco but starting with beans, cheese, and flour tortillas. Sorry darling, but you're stuck with a burrito.
So where should you start? Agape. Why? Because that's ultimately the most important anyway. Agape allows you to see the person for who they are, not how they ideally fit you. You're not looking at a person and saying "I like him because he's attractive, or I like him because he does this or we have this in common." That's all selfish. Agape means taking that person for how they are, not how you've fantasized them to be in your daydreams. It's unconditional. Its impossible for it to be selfish because its based solely on them. You don't even factor into the equation. And thats what makes love so beautiful. But I think it's also really cool that God has a perfect place for all three, even eros- have you read Song of Soloman?!

I used to live by the slogan that said "I'm just a Bella looking for my Edward." I used to think it was a romantic saying. But it's nothing compared with "I'm waiting discover my body, soul, and spirit life partner. It's going to be such a beautiful thing." Now that folks, is top notch romanticism.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13:13)
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Confessions of an Irony Lover...

Friday, March 30, 2012
Confessions of a Convicted Gym Goer...

Thursday, March 15, 2012
Confessions of a Confessor...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Confessions of a Bad Patient...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Confessions of a Bad Student...

So, I'm being a bad student once again using facebook to procrastinate from studying, but I think this one will be excused. I don't really know how to start off this time, no funny little anecdotes came to mind, so I'm just going to jump right in.
I've had a big problem with surrender lately. Some things I've been surrendering too easily to, like alcohol and attention seeking. Others, I haven't surrendered enough or at all, like selflessness or God. Especially God. But I have a feeling thats very soon about to change.
I was having lunch with a good friend last week and as we often do, we were catching up on how things were going, not only personally, but spiritually. It was awesome! We were perfectly and completely honest with each other about where we stood with God. And I rememeber telling her how I was really struggling with God's will versus my will. I remember saying how I felt like there were things as a christian I should want (example: pursuing holiness, to love God more, and even a relationship with a guy who is on fire for God not just lukewarm), but things that to be honest I didn't necessarily have a desire for. I wanted to do it my way. I wanted who I wanted, whether or not I could do better. I was content being lukewarm myself. I told her that I felt like God was saying "Trust me" and I was saying "Screw you." I knew better. I knew that I should want better desires. I knew that God intends only good and He has the best plan for my life and I should follow and obey. But I didn't want to. I wanted to be stubborn and do things my own way even though I was fully aware they wouldn't work. I guess you could say I'd already seen the end before it began.
I knew all along it was a stupid and futile decision to fight against God. I knew He was right. The problem was never whether or not I agreed with God. It was whether or not I wanted to obey God. Anyway, back to the point. I told her I felt like this would soon come to an end though. I had this gut feeling that God and I were about to have a smack down, or rather a show out. I knew He wasn't going to let me get along too far without Him.
I went home that night and another friend had posted a blog about her surrender in the area of her love life. Coincidence? I think not. I read over her story and thought, "That's great! I wish I could learn to do that, but it will never happen." Sure I surrendered my life. I am saved, but my love life? Psh, forget it. Which brings me once again to being a bad student. In another attempt at failed procrastination I ended up watching a sermon I have on DVD from a pastor who had done a series on singlehood. One of the very first lines out of his mouth was "Single people are often willing to give everything to God except that thing He desires most- their heart and their love life. For some reason they think the God of the universe won't handle that one." Okay God, I can take a hint, I thought.
So I began praying. "God, honestly, I'm not striving for holy things. I'm not pursuing Your will, or your direction and advice. I don't really care to have it. I don't really want better desires even though I know I've settled for trashy, worldly ones. So God, teach me to have better desires. Teach me to desire a relationship with You again like I once did. Teach me to want to put you first." And while there's no definite physical proof- I haven't completely done a 180 and am now a whole new surrendered person in a week and this is just a lovely little story about my past- I do feel like God is starting something. Little by little, through little things and little interactions, I'm beginning to realize that it's gonna be okay. That those things that once were "No way God! What are you doing?! This is not how I wanted it to go!" are now "I still don't like this God, but somehow I can't feel too upset about it. Somehow there's peace."

It's a journey. A journey that's literally only just begun. This isn't a blog about the past. It's the blog about the present. The story is nowhere near finished. But little by little, chapters keep getting written. Even as I was driving home tonight I kept playing Sanctus Real's song "Whatever You're Doing." Every lyric rings true of my life right now. That song expresses my story better than I ever could. Check it:
"It's time for healing time to move on It's time to fix what's been broken too long Time to make right what has been wrong It's time to find my way to where I belong There's a wave that's crashing over me And all I can do is surrender
Whatever You're doing inside of me It feels like chaos but somehow there's peace It's hard to surrender to what I can't see but I'm giving in to something Heavenly
Time for a milestone Time to begin again Re-evaluate who I really am Am I doing everything to follow Your will Or just climbing aimlessly over these hills So show me what it is You want from me I give everything I surrender to...
Time to face up Clean this old house Time to breathe in and let everything out That I've wanted to say for so many years Time to release all my held back tears
Whatever You're doing inside of me It feels like chaos but I believe You're up to something bigger than me Larger than life something Heavenly..."
John 4: 23-24, "But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Confessions of a Bad Banana...

This morning I was in a bit of a banana crazed mood. I know what you're thinking. Really Rachel? You're going to write a blog about bananas? Go with me on this. Anyway, after I had finished my banana nut muffin I decided to move on to the real thing. I was pleased to find my mom had just gone to the store and I beheld three seemingly perfectly ripe bananas. They had no bruises on the outside, no dark indentations either. Their skin was a perfect yellow. And they had that slight firmness to them. I couldn't have gone out to the backyard and picked better ones off the tree. Or so I thought.
Upon opening the first one I discovered the inside to be almost completely black. It was disgusted. I stood there in almost a state of shock. Not because I'd never seen a rotten banana before, but my brain didn't almost believe what my eyes were telling me. What looked so good and perfect on the outside was completely putrid on the inside. After opening two other bananas only to find the exact same thing I gave up. What a waste of a sixty-nine cents.
I never expected a banana would let me down like that, but I also never expected to learn such a spiritual analogy from it either. It made me think. How many times have I been just like this banana? I mean, I look good from the outside. I go to church every Sunday, I read my Bible, I write blogs, I live by the phrase "no wed, no bed" and while I enjoy an occasional drink, I never have more than 1 at a time. I don't do drugs, I stayed in school, all around I look pretty good on the outside. I'm religiously a'okay. But when you get to the heart is the same true? That one I'm not so sure about.

I've realized lately just how legalistic the church can be at times. And we get so caught up in it. I think that's why so many people fall away when they get to college. Because they were not grounded, secure in the relationship. Faith is not about following a set of rules. It's not just going through the motions. Jesus Christ did not come so we could simply follow His example on how to live a perfect life. He came to seek. He came to save (Luke 19:10). I don't want a religion. Even the pagans have that. I want a relationship. What sets Christ apart from any other "god" like Allah or Budda is that not only was He the only one to come back from the dead, but He's also the only one to offer grace. The only one to offer a relationship where it's not about what you do, it's about who you know. And once we realize this, it changes us. We're no longer bound by this self hatred of "I'm nothing but a dirty rotten sinner." No, I'm a redeemed, already bought and paid for, saint.
I don't want to be like the banana this morning. I don't want to put on a mask and a pretense of little miss perfect. Because that's not whats inside. Whats inside is a girl with issues. But also whats inside is a girl with issues who know's she's saved.

So what's left? Well, it's time to cut away the rotten parts of the banana. It's time for a change of heart. It's time to be true faced. It's time to let God have and mold the inside, not just the outward motions. It's time the inner and outer matched, imperfect, but under grace. It's time to have the light shine and expose the darkness. You can't serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). You can't hide under religion forever. It's a problem if people only know you're a Christian by your facebook. It's a problem if you kneel at the cross in prayer and you don't know who you're praying to.
Ephesians 5:8 "For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light."
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Confessions of a Sleepless Night...

I've had a lot of sleepless nights recently- cause still to be determined. I thought it was the stress of school, but school's been out for a while and I'm still tossing and turning or wide awake at 3 am. And so, it's on one of these sleepless nights that my mind is exceptionally active and I've had a few thoughts.
The first? Man, my legs really hurt. No more squats. Second? I'm hungry, I wish I had a piece of bread. Finally? Daydreams are pretty dangerous things actually. The third is how I spend most of these sleepless nights. To be completely honest, it's how I spend most of my days as well. I daydream about the future and as a self professed hopeless romantic, mostly about the man that might be in them.
This morning was no exception. I laid in bed mentally listing the qualities of "my perfect man":
-Momma's boy. Say what you will but you can telll a lot about a guy by the way he treats his momma
-Chivalrous. Guys that know how to treat and respect a lady are a rare jewel, but a blessing.
-Sweet. In touch with his sensitive side and not ashamed to admit it
-Musician. Someone who gets excited and loves music as much as I do, including country.
-Hopeless Romantic. Bring on the roses! I've always dreamed of cuddling with my husband in bed and he just sits up, grabs his guitar and starts playing "Angel" by Jack Johnson or "Sea Breeze" or "Looking at Her Face" by Tyrone Wells as I fall asleep. Told you I was a hopeless romantic!
-Manly Man. He enjoys wastching a good musical every now and then, but he also never fails to remind me that he is 100% of the XY chromosome. He's the protector, the rugged outdoorsman, the hiker, the sports lover, the brawny man.
-Handy Man. He knows what to do with a hammer and is perfectly capable of changing the oil in the car.
-Knows how to dress. Straight leg boot cut jeans. Peacoat. But looks pretty darn good in a cowboy hat when called to the occasion.
-Ambitious. Hard worker at everything he does. Has goals and hopes and aspirations.
-Provider. Makes sure his family's taken care of and not just with money.
-Good sense of humor. A marriage filled with laughter is the best kind.
-Caring. I'm accident prone. 'Nuff said.
-Beach lover. Its my life. Literally. Plus, who else better to enjoy a sunset with?
-Good smile. The kind that even reaches to his eyes. Those truly make me go weak at the knees.
And above all...
-Christian. He may have all these other qualities, but if I can't get on my knees and pray with him, our marriage will never be complete.
It was only after I had finished that I took a step back and began to wonder if such a man really existed. I mean, to be fair, in my daydreams I certainly accounted for some flaws, but still. So Mr. Wonderful, if you're reading this please make yourself known. Preferably sometime in the near future. But then it also hit me. These were my daydreams. They were my expectations. They were what I wanted. They were me telling God, "Hey God. I don't know and I don't really care who you've planned for my life, but if I can have any say, this is what I want." And I realized these daydreams were far more than just significant and pointless fantasies and time wasters. I realized they were even more than me being a control freak. They were a complete shortchange. They were a lack of trust in God to know whats best. And a tremendous lack of patience on my part to wait for it. God didn't give me these desires of the heart to have them wasted. He plans to fulfill them through Himself. All of my pushing and shoving to get that future reality now is just a waste of a good sleep. I mean seriously, what can I do about anything at 3 in the morning?
I don't know if I'll ever get married. But what I do know is that when I plan my perfect man, I take away any trust that God knows what He's doing. He knows my needs. If I'm supposed to be married, he's already crafted for me the perfect man. And God's pretty creative. Who He has made is going to be so far beyond the shallow things I can think of it's ridiculous! God's not going to leave me disappointed. One day I'll look at this list and think "that's it? That's all I wanted? Wow! I got so much more! And maybe he doesn't have ALL of these qualities, but there are some things I love about him I would never have thought to list. And they are so much better than anything I could ever dream up."
We daydream about love, about our careers, our friends, where we'll live, how many kids we'll have, and even what we'll look like. But what if instead of thinking about the unknown we focused on the known. God loves us. He has a plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11). He knows whats best. No matter where our life takes us He will always be there, as our Perfect Man. Now that's a future worth daydreaming about.
Psalm 40:5 "Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare."