Have you ever just sat and watched people? I mean not in the creepy, psycho way, but just with the naive innocent, curious way? It's fascinating what you will find. People do the funniest things, if only you could capture it. Hmm, maybe that's why I love photography so much.
Anyway, the other day I sat and just watched. You know, there's a lot you can tell about people by the way they interact. But something I also realized is that with people watching you have to be careful. Because it is amazing how fast those "perceptions" turn into judgements and comparisons.
And it got me thinking. I'm too quick to judge others. Just last week I heard a quote that said "Only the Christian army turns around and shoots its wounded." And you know, they're right in a way. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not advocating total tolerance. Not by any means. There are some things that are, in their very nature, sin. And Christ is very clear on his intolerance of sin. But I think too many times we condemn someone by what they do and the mistakes they make, and not who they really are- someone who has received the grace of Christ. We turn into courtrooms instead of hospitals and neglect to realize we are in no position to be the judge. In fact, I've been a pretty crappy nurse lately. I thought about this and I kind of had one of those mirror/self-reflection moments. I realized, I definitely wouldn't want someone looking at me and judging me based off of my past mistakes.
The call of the Christian is not to condemn. It is compassion. It is discernment. It is accountability. Because when you look at the big picture, we're all screw ups. We are all in need of grace. None of us deserve any blessings that have been given us. And that's where I believe the difference lies. We are not at any place to condemn, but are called to accountability. We're not on a high horse, but rather stuck in the mud with everybody else. But that's where humility and compassion come in. It's recognizing yes, you messed up. Yes, I messed up. No, that is NOT okay. Yes, there needs to be a change. I mean even Matthew 7 which says in it's very first verse "Do not judge or you too will be judged" later goes on to say in verse 6 "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces." Don't be a fool and completely tolerant. Keep your convictions, just not the condeming attitude.

Because that's really in it's core what sets us apart. Being intolerant and recognizing sin as sin, but recognizing grace and love of our Savior and mirroring them. Recognizing that we are just as much in need of forgiveness and pardoning of sins, and pointing to the only one who can offer it. Because let's face it, the world has enough judgement as it it. We are constantly being rated on the way we look, dress, act, how much money we make, our relationships, what kind of cars we drive etc. The last thing they need is more from someone who is called to "Do everything in love" (1 Corinthians 16:14) And accountability is a huge part of love.
Now, if y'all will excuse me I'm going to go ice my bucked-off-the-high-horse kicked butt.
"Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."- Plato